Hey Jammers, today's post is about a new animal, the Arctic Wolf. No, it
isn't out yet, or else I would beg my mom for a membership, be a member
and be using it, wouldn't I? Anyway, my friend, WolfJulia, to be exact,
told me to look up LiitleMighty, and I did. You know what she had?
That's right,

An Arctic Wolf.
Some say LiitleMighty is a AJHQ animal tester, other say she's a moderator, and others are just plain weirded out and confused! What are your thoughts on this, Jammers? Tell me in the comments.
EDIT: The mystery is solved! It turns out that you can get gift cards from Wal-mart. But it still doesn't explain why this obvious member doesn't have a "Welcome To The Club!" achievement. Is she really an AJHQ animal tester or not? Post your thoughts in the comments!
i want to know how she got it. lots of people want one so how do we figure out the mystery!
ReplyDeleteWell, there are a few clues and hints. She could be an AJHQ member that tests new animals, she could have hacked AJ, or she could be a moderator. I personaly think she's a new animal tester ^^
DeleteShe's a Moderator. Check Her achievements, There's No "welcome To The CLub" Achievement. Holla Add me at Joynes!
Deleteit's not really a mystery, im getting one too, but im a member! :3
Deleteit's only 15 bucks and it adds a 3 month membership
There are some people saying that she hacked the animal which I DON'T BELIEVE AT ALL! I also heard that you buy it at select walmarts or targets. Kind of like the lion but rarer. I think that shes a tester...
ReplyDeletei think she hacked aj an got this new wolf... cause she wont tell anyone how she got it and yes she is a real jammer she was my friend a while back
ReplyDelete~teenwolf200270i have found someone with an arctic wolf his/her user is halohalo3
ReplyDeleteI think she's an Animal Tester. Check Her Achievements. There's No "welcome to the CLub" Achievement. Just I think that. She could be a Mod though but I doubght it. Or Maybe she could of hacked. A possibility. Anyways Add Me at Joynes! Happy Jamming! See Ya Around!
ReplyDeletei dont think shes a moderator OR tester.. there have been more spotted and there have been rumors.. somehow there's a glitch tht AJHQ messed up a bit.. They bought a Walmart gift card and AJHQ are accidently giving out (what might be the new animal) Arctic Wolves. I think they'll be on a gift card because of how the name is; like king of the jungle. Sadly, members only.. ~wolfsrain991
ReplyDeleteshes a moderater for animal jam. im Gylfie101 :)
ReplyDeleteshe is a new animal tester. AJ will be releasing it soon through card or as a member select chioce or mothly gift. AJ haven't decided it yet. littlemighty is testing for AJ for this new animal.
ReplyDeletethe person that said that Liitlemighty does not have a welcome to the club achievement is right. but recently i have notices ANOTHER jammer with a arctic wolf. a.k.a. HaloHalo3, my opinion is that they relised the wolf in a member ship card at ONLY walmart but they may let it be a select choice but they will NOT make it a monthly member gift. that is what i think is going to happen. many people say the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThanks For saying I'm right. ROFL. Anyways, Been doing a little research.
DeleteTurns out she's probably a mod.
My friend called them and they said they had no idea and they weren't planning on making it...O.o Hacked, probably
ReplyDeleteokay i saw another person with an arctic wolf and heres her user: lonziegrim1. Ive also done some resarch and the arctic wolves are a code from walmart. if you look up walmart online type in at the search thing: animal jam codes. the loin code may come up but the arctic wolf code membership package will appear! the mystery has been solved!!! XD if this a help to anybody ur welkom my user on aj is: warriorcatzrock123
ReplyDeleteokay i have more news!!! another user: red218 has one there definately not testers. once again look up walmart an type in the searth thing: aj codes and the atctic wolf thing will appear
ReplyDeletehaha another person: Firestar002
ReplyDeletethe arctic wolves clothes dont fit very well. XD ive watched one dance with a sword and it looked so much of a fail XDDD
ReplyDeletei never go to walmart so i may never get one, but just like the lions they will start to appear more and more on aj beecase more peeps r gettin access to them! becase at 1st the lions went on very often and now ther are tons of them. im sure that once more peeps learn about a certain animal code the AJHQ will make it a normal animal! good look finding a arctic wolf!!!!
ReplyDeleteanother arctic wolf i spotted: bunnie678 oh and another 1: princesspeach
ReplyDeleteDjdiscord is another arctic wolf user :3 the arctic wolves have REALLY bad clothing graphics when they dance XD If uve seen won dance u will kno wut i mean >:3
ReplyDeleteanother on; elisa345 and whoops its another of the sames ones in different pwlt XD
She is not a tester. She got it in a gift card. I have one too.
add me i am horsemadlover on aj but i really want a arctic wolf too it not fair!
ReplyDeletei talked to a wolf and she said that she got a gift card at safe way. i don't think she was a tester or a hacker. or and AJ person. i am hoping that they come out soon i really really want one!
ReplyDeleteI think liitlemighty may have been a tester's daughter...
ReplyDeleteYou buy a card at Walmart, that gives you the arctic wolf, a huge gem bonus, and a 3-month membership.
ReplyDeletei asked in walmart about the card they have no idea what im talking about i dont thik its real
ReplyDeleteyou can get the wolf off the membership card i got one and im not a tester ~PinkG