Saturday, 23 June 2012

Will NM Bat Wings be Coming Back?

Hey guys, I emailed AJHQ last night about Shamans and NM bat wings, and this was the reply: (Click to enlarge) But wait, look what they said about nonmember bat wings! Could the NM bat wings be the next Rare Item for Monday in the shops tomorrow? Or will it be a future RIM, or will it be within a couple of weeks? Also, if ANYBODY can tell me how to put words in between pics, or to move a certain pic to the bottom that'd be great.... O-O

Braddy Barr's Lab Glitch

Today while I was derpin around in Braddy Barr's lab (Don't remember the name), I was trying to do the skyway glitch, but all of a sudden, a loading screen popped up!  I figured I had accidentally clicked the door without knowing, right? WROONG!! The whole screen went black, and the chemistry set came up! It was all pixely and glitchey, I managed to make a hot pink potion, but then when I was done, it just loaded forever! I managed to get it on tape, but I don't think it'll show on here.  Anyway, my theory was that this was the beta version. I know AJ isn't in beta days, what I mean is when they first made it.

Friday, 22 June 2012

9 New Servers

Well, we got 9 new servers! Selkirtk, Pensacola, Appalachian, Kootenay, Cantabrain,  Culgoa, Adrondack, Ural, and Pyrenees. I personally think AJ coulda made better names.....

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Penguins, Freedom Day, and more!

Hey, Jammers! I got a lot of news! First of all: Penguins! Their available to ALL Jammers, member and non-member! Next off, my new  penguin! Next off, Crystal Sands has a new journey book! Here's what it looks like when it's empty, and when it's completed. Your prize is a cool lemonade stand! And finally, Freedom Day is coming!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Hey guys, sorry Im not getting on lately, dumb school. Also, Im intruducing PICTURES >W< Here are a couple.
Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been a bit busy. But here's something to keep you busy while I attempt to find more stuff for my blog: Floating foods! While at Jamaa Township earlier today, I saw a floating strawberry smoothie cup!  I also found a floating burger at the dinner party 45 minutes later!